
Top 10 values employers look for

There are certain important values that employers consider to be shown and essential for employees to have in order to maintain an efficient, productive workplace. Consciously or subconsciously these are the principles that employers look for when hiring and therefore these are characteristics that you should attempt to emulate and show in an interview. Developing […]

Top 10 outdoor activities

What have we been waiting for and finally the time has come: the sun is back! Now it’s time to get out into the fresh air and enjoy the weather. But if you’re thinking, “So what do I do then?” don’t worry. We’ve worked our brains and collected the top 10 outdoor activities for you. […]

Teamwork: achieving more together

Most employers attach great importance to the fact that employees work well with one another and get along not only professionally, but also personally. Teamwork is more than just being good at sharing projects and sitting in meetings, as it has many different forms and shows that a team can be more than the number […]